Operation Manual

Quick Reference to Commands and Shortcuts 59
10 Quick Reference to Commands and Shortcuts
File Menu
Command Windows Mac OS Description
New Folder. . . Apple+Shift+N New Folder in the
Open Preset Ctrl+O Apple+Option+O Open the selected preset
Save Preset Ctrl+S Apple+S Save the current preset
Save Preset As. . . Save the current preset under
a new name
Save MIDI Links Ctrl+Shift+S Apple+Shift+S Save the current MIDI
Save MIDI Links As. . . Save the current MIDI links
under a new name
Import. . . Import a .strumA file
Export. . . Export a .strumA file
Restore Factory Library . . . Restore factory library and
programs. Everything else in
the browser is deleted.
Exit (Quit on Mac) Quit the application