Operation Manual

1.4 Getting started 15
Audio Configuration
Audio configuration tools are available from the Audio menu. The Audio Settings
function allows you to select an audio output device from a list, organized by driver
type, of those available on your computer. On Windows, if you have ASIO drivers
available, these should be selected for optimum performance. Multi-channel inter-
faces will have their outputs listed as stereo pairs.
Select your sound card port from the list in the Audio Configuration dialog
from the Audio > Audio Settings . .. menu.
For more detailed information on audio configuration, sampling rate selection
and latency adjustments, please refer to section 6.3.
MIDI Configuration
MIDI configuration tools are available from the MIDI menu.
Select your MIDI input device from the list in the MIDI Configuration
window available from the MIDI > MIDI Settings ...menu.
For more detailed information on Audio and MIDI configuration, MIDI links
and MIDI maps, please refer to Chapter 6.
1.4.2 Exploring the factory presets
Factory presets can easily be accessed using the +” and ” buttons in the lower
left corner of the toolbar. These buttons are used to navigate through a list of 128
numbered presets called programs. The content of this program list can be viewed
by clicking on the H button of the toolbar. The number of the current program used
and the name of the associated preset appear on the right of this button. Programs
can also be changed by using the + and keys from the computer keyboard
or by selecting programs directly from the list displayed after clicking clicking on
the H button.
Presets can also be accessed using the browser appearing on the left of Ultra
Analog Session. This browser is similar to the browser your operating system
generates to display the contents of your hard disk, or your email program uses to
organize your mail and address book. When launching the application for the first