Operation Manual

Presets and MIDI maps 19
2 Presets and MIDI maps
Ultra Analog Session comes with several factory presets covering a wide range of
sounds. This collection of presets lets you play and familiarize yourself with this
synthesizer without having to tweak a single knob. Soon, however, you will be
experimenting and creating your own sounds and projects that you will need to
archive or exchange with other users. You may also want to control the parameters
of Ultra Analog Session with a specific MIDI controller. In this chapter, we will
review the management of presets and MIDI maps.
2.1 Presets
There are two concepts involved in the management of presets, the preset library
and programs.
2.1.1 The Preset Library
The preset library contains the factory presets,
modified versions of the factory presets you might
have made or any other new presets you might have
saved. The library may also contain imported presets
as well as MIDI maps as explained in Section 2.6 and
2.7. In other words, the preset library is a repository
of all the presets and MIDI maps available to Ultra
Analog Session.
All the operations on the preset library are conveniently managed with the help
of the Ultra Analog Session browser, similar to those found in most email programs
which use a hierarchical tree structure and a visually intuitive, drag and drop ap-
proach. To explore the different presets available in the library, open the different
folders by clicking on the “+” icon Windows or I symbol on Mac OS to the left of
folders. Each preset is represented by a blue knob icon followed by its name.
2.1.2 The Program list
Presets are loaded into the synthesis
engine of Ultra Analog Session from a
list of 128 numbered presets called pro-
grams. The name of the current program and its number are displayed in the left of