Operation Manual

Parameters 29
4 Parameters
4.1 General Functioning of the Interface
4.1.1 Tweaking Knobs
All the knobs on the interface are selected by clicking on them. Once selected, they
can be controlled in different ways depending on the effect you want to achieve.
For coarse adjustment click-hold on a knob and drag the mouse upwards or
downwards to move it clockwise or counter-clockwise.
For fine adjustment, use the left or down arrow of the computer keyboard
to move the knob counterclockwise and the right or up arrow to move it
clockwise. The Page Up and Page Down keys give the same result with
slightly faster action. Note that this may not work in certain plug-in formats.
To move a control to a given position, place the mouse at this position and
Shift-click/Option-click. To reach this position slowly, do the same, but use
the middle button of the mouse (Windows only).
Knobs with a green LED above can be moved directly to their center position
by clicking on the LED.
Remember that the keyboard shortcuts affect only the most recently selected
control. The value of the control currently selected is displayed on the toolbar at
the top of the Ultra Analog Session window. The number displayed on the counter
is a value corresponding to the setting of the control currently selected.
4.1.2 Buttons
Buttons are switched on or off by clicking on them. The value appearing in the
toolbar when a button is selected represents the state associated with the position
of the button.
4.1.3 Drop-down menus and Displays
Clicking on a display with a small down-pointing triangle on its right, such as in
the Reverb module, reveals a drop-down menu with a set of possible settings for
the control. Adjustment of the control is obtained by clicking on a selection or
using the up and down arrows and the Enter key of the computer keyboard.