Operation Manual

4.6 The Amp Module 32
position following an envelope signal. The Attack knob is used to control the speed
of this motion while the Amount knob is used to determine the amount of deviation.
4.6 The Amp Module
The Amp module is an amplifier used to control the
volume of the output signal of the synthesizer. The gen-
eral level of the output signal is determined using the
Level knob. In its leftmost position, the output signal is
muted and turning this knob clockwise increases the vol-
ume. The level of the stereo outputs from the synthesizer
can be monitored with two level meters on the right of
the module. The output can further be modulated by an
envelope signal, the Attack and Release knobs are used to control the attack and
releases phases of this envelope.
4.7 The Output Effect Stage
The output effect stage is located at the top row of the Ultra Analog. This effect
stage allows one to add effects to the sound and record performances on the fly.
4.7.1 The Chorus Module
This module implements both a chorus and a flange effect. It consists of four
variable delay lines in parallel with a cross-feedback matrix between the lines. A
wide range of effects is obtained by modulating the length of the lines and varying
the amount of cross-feedback.
The Chorus drop down menu is used to choose between different chorus and
flanger algorithms. The effect can be synchronized to the Clock module with the
Sync drop-down menu. Sync values range from 1/8 of a quarter note (a thirty-
second note) to 16 quarter notes (4 whole notes) where the duration of the whole