Operation Manual

4.7 The Output Effect Stage 33
note is determined by the value (in BPM) appearing in the Tempo display of the
Clock module. The effect can also be synced to a triplet (t) or dotted note (d).
The different chorus algorithms can be controlled with the three knobs appear-
ing at the bottom of the module. The Mix knob is used to adjust the ratio of “dry”
and “wet” in the output signal of the module. When the knob is adjusted in the left
position, only the original or “dry” signal is sent to the output while in the right po-
sition only the processed or “wet” signal is sent to the output. In its center position
there will be equal amounts of “dry” and “wet” signal in the output signal. The
Depth knob is used to adjust the amount of variation of length in the delay lines
which controls the amplitude of the effect while the Rate knob is used to fix the
frequency of the modulation.
4.7.2 The Delay Module
This module is a standard ping pong delay which is used to generate echo. It is
based on two delay lines each including a low-pass filter. The effect is obtained by
feeding back the signal at the end of each delay line into the input of the other line
with an attenuation coefficient. The result is a signal traveling from one channel to
the other, each time attenuated and filtered in the high frequencies due to the gain
factor and the presence of the low-pass filter.
The different delay algorithms can be controlled with the three knobs appearing
at the bottom of the module. The Mix knob is used to adjust the ratio of “dry” and
“wet” in the output signal of the module. When the knob is adjusted in the left
position, only the original or “dry” signal is sent to the output while in the right
position only the processed or “wet” signal is sent to the output. In its center
position there is in equal amounts of “dry” and “wet” signal in the output signal.
The Depth knob is used to adjust the amount of signal re-injected from the output
of a line into the other one while the Rate knob controls the length of the delay
lines and therefore the delay between echoes.
4.7.3 The Reverb module
The Reverb module is used to recreate the effect of reflections of sound on the
walls of a room or hall. These reflections add space to the sound and make it
warmer, deeper, as well as more realistic since we always listen to instruments in a
room and thus with a room effect.
The Reverb drop down menu is used to choose between different reverb al-
gorithms representing different types of rooms or halls. Each algorithm can be