Operation Manual

4.7 The Output Effect Stage 34
adjusted with the knobs located at the bottom of the module. The Mix knob is used
to set the relative amount of “dry” and “wet” signal which is related to the prox-
imity of the sound source. The Decay is used to control the reverberation time of
the room. In a real room, the reverberation time is not constant across the whole
frequency range because the walls of the hall are generally more absorbent at high
frequencies which results in a shorter reverberation time for these frequencies. This
effect is controlled with the Color knob which sets the reverberation time of high
frequencies relatively to the value of the Decay knob.
4.7.4 Topology
The three effects of the output section can be used in four different configurations
as shown in Figure 9 and where the Chorus, Delay and Reverb modules are la-
beled A, B, and C respectively.
Figure 9: The four topologies in which the effects can be applied after the Amp
module of the two module rows; A = Chorus module, B = Delay module and C
= Reverb module.
In the first two configurations, the left and right channels of both source lines
are mixed before being sent to the output stage. In the first configuration, the Cho-
rus module is first applied, then the Delay and finally the Reverb module. In the
second configuration, the signal is first processed by the Delay, then by the Chorus
and the Reverb module. In the third and fourth configurations, a different effect is
applied after the Amp module at the end of the two module rows, mixing occurs
and the resulting signal is fed to the Reverb module. The third and fourth layouts
refer to different configurations of the original Ultra Analog engine in which the
Chorus and Delay modules are applied to the signal path in reversed order.
Note that each of the effects can be muted by selecting the Bypass preset in its
respective algorithm selection drop down menu.
4.7.5 The Output Module
This module is used to monitor levels of the left and right channels. The overall
level is adjusted with the Level knob. The best dynamic range is obtained when the
level meters are around 0 dB for loud sounds.