Operation Manual

Supplementary features
eud-1279/1.0 – R1.0 – 12.2010 49
Deflect a call during the ringing phase
You do not want to answer a call yourself but deflect it to another user.
With the function Deflect you can deflect calls to an internal or external user or to the
voice mail during the ringing phase.
Your phone is ringing and the indicator LED is flashing. To deflect the call, proceed as
Reject a call during the ringing phase
You do not want to answer a call.
You can reject a call already during the ringing phase
Presence menu
Menu for selecting a presence profile. For further information refer to Chap-
ter "Organizing absences using the Absence key", page 39.
Menu for selecting a presence profile. For further information refer to Chap-
ter "Organizing absences using the Absence key", page 39.
Presence profile
Menu for selecting a presence profile. For further information refer to Chap-
ter "Organizing absences using the Absence key", page 39.
Press Foxmenu > Foxkey Deflect.
<Phone number>
Enter the phone number and confirm with the Ok Foxkey.
The call is deflected to the user you want.
You can also search in the phone book, last-number redial list or call list for
the phone number of the person you are looking for.
If the user you want to deflect to is busy, the call will not be deflected. The
display reads Busy and your phone still rings.
Press Foxmenu > Foxkey Reject or the End key.
The connection is rejected and, depending on the system configuration, the
caller obtains the busy tone or he is forwarded to a preconfigured destina-
Function Description