Operation Manual

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Figure 3-6 A typical toggle screen: TX1 90Hz on/off. Input/Store screen
The user can change the various parameter alarm and warning settings in the input/storing-
screens. A virtual cursor is controlled by the <PREV> and <NEXT> keys. An input field num-
ber will blink if the cursor is moved to the correct position. The blinking limit values can now be
changed by pushing the plus «+» and minus «-» keys. If the input field is digital, the valid
options will be «False» and «True» when the plus «+» and minus «-» keys are pushed.
When all the input numbers in the screen are changed to the preferred new values, the cursor
must be moved to the (STORE)-field in the upper left corner. When the cursor is placed at this
(STORE)-field, the brackets will start blinking. The <ENTER> key will now store the new val-
ues on the screen in the ILS. The <ESC> key leaves the screen unchanged.
Figure 3-7 A typical input/store screen: CL DDM The quick read screens
The quick read screens are access by pushing the <QUICK READ> key. The key toggles
between the original menu tree and the quick read screens. The <QUICK READ> button can
be pushed at all times, not changing the original menu-screens. The quick read screens
include only the basic monitor readings. The <PREV> and <NEXT> keys step through the
quick read screens.
Figure 3-8 A typical quick read screen: CL.
3.3.3 The access levels.
The level 3 menu options must be entered by typing a 4 character password. The level 2
menu can be entered as an ordinary menu-option. Level 2
To enter the level 2 menu option, the front panel switches must be in the LOCAL and MAN-
UAL positions. The remote panel access switch must also be in ACCESS position. The user is
TX 1 90 Hz on/off
[90 Hz tone on]
CL <store> M1 M2
DDM.: 0.1% 0.1%
Al U +1.5% +1.5%
Wa U -1.5% -1.5%
M1 0.1 40.0 3.0
M2 0.1 40.0 3.0