Technical Handbook

Table Of Contents
The local keyboard/display allow readings and control through an LCD display and a seven-
button keypad. This gives access to the RMM functionality without the need for a PC.
3.9.1 RMM Access
Access to the RMM system is controlled by multiple hardware and software access controls.
One password is required for each access level, i.e. one password for level 1, two for level 2
and three for level 3. Optional hardware controls may inhibit writing in the upper access levels.
Access level 1
Readout of all the monitor values, warning and alarm limits.
Readout of all the maintenance values and warning limits.
Readout of all the delays.
Readout of all the monitor DDM offsets.
Access level 2
TX1 and TX2: 90/150 Hz on/off.
TX1 and TX2: morse normal, continuous, TST or off.
TX1 and TX2: test-signal 90 Hz or 150 Hz dominance on/off.
Access level 3
Settings of all the monitor warning and alarm limits.
Settings of all the maintenance warning limits.
Settings of all the delays.
Settings of all the monitor DDM offsets.
3.9.2 Storage Functions
The RMS has the following storage functions:
Alarm storage:
Contains data for the last four alarms. Each set contains data for the last 30 seconds
before and
immediately after
the alarm occurred. The last 6 seconds are sampled at a 0.1
sec. rate, the rest at 5 sec. intervals.
Warning storage:
Contains one data set for each of the last 25 warnings that have occurred.
Medium time periodic storage:
Contains one data sets at 15 minutes intervals for the last 24 hours.
Long time periodic storage:
Contains average value and standard deviation of the data sets for each 24 hour period in
the last 180 days.
Event storage:
Stores the last 50 major operational events, including user logins and logouts, TX on/off
operations, alarms and warnings, monitor parameter changes and changes in system sta-
3.9.3 Local Keyboard/Display Functions
Through a menu-based interface all main commands, adjustments and monitor limits are