Instruction Manual

At the core of the DP-777 Digital Processor is the Gemini Digital Engine which has not one, but two high-end
DACs. Each have been hand-selected by AMR as the most musical. This section provides an overview of the
different DAC/Sampling/Algorithm Filter modes available so that the original signal can be kept in its native
format for the maximum musical enjoyment. Or if listener so chooses, he/she may select playback using an alterna-
tive combination.
4.1 HD Gemini Digital Engine 32/16-Bit DAC Selection
The DP-777 will intelligently select the optimal DAC for playback of different source files. The 32-Bit HD DAC
will be selected if the source file is 88.2kHz or higher. The Classic 16-Bit DAC will be selected if the source file is
44.1 or 48kHz.
The DP-777’s HD Gemini Digital Engine allows the user to use the HD button (RD8) on the RC-707 to alternate
between the HD 32-Bit DAC or the Classic 16-Bit Multibit DAC.
One may disable the Auto DAC select function by holding down the-” button on the front panel and then power-
ing on the DP-777 via the mains power switch (R10). To enable, simply repeat the procedure. Toggling between
enable/disable will be confirmed on the front display.
4.2 kHz Selection
The DP-777 under the 32-Bit HD DAC offers the following user-selectable Sampling frequencies: 44.1kHz/48kHz/
88.2kHz/96kHz/176.4kHz/192KHz. These are cycled through by pressing the kHz/Sampling button (RD3) on the
Section 4 - The HD Gemini Digital Engine
HD DAC: a total of 4
Digital Algorithms
HD Gemini Digital
Engine has auto DAC