Reference Class

Stereophonic Microgroove LP Records Monophonic Microgroove LP Records
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RIAA Modern stereo LP playback curve Mono RCA 50 RCA, Urania, Lyrichord
eRIAA Modern stereo LP playback curve Mono FFRR 49 Decca & London 1949-1951
but corrects the high frequency roll-off Mono FFRR 51 Decca & London 1951
and excessive phase shift of vinyl Mono FFRR 52 Decca & London 1952
cutting lathes (Enhanced RIAA EQ)
RIAA(DMM) Corrects for the hard, metallic sound of DMM Mono FFRR 53 Decca & London post 1953
Columbia Columbia LP stereo Mono AES 51 1951 AES Standard
DECCA (FFSS) Decca & London,Deutsche Grammophon, Mono Columbia 48 Early Columbia LP mono
Archiv, polygram, NAB, Philips, and ARGO Mono Columbia 52 Late Columbia LP mono
CCIR 56 Europe pre appx. 1962, Eastern Mono EMI Early EMI LP
Europe & Asia pre appx. 1975 Mono CCIR 53 Europe pre appx. 1956
Mono CCIR 56 Europe pre appx. 1962, Eastern
Europe & Asia pre appx. 1975
Monophonic Microgroove LP Records Mono Bartok Bartok LP’s
Display Name Comments Mono NAB 1942 also NARTB
Mono RIAA also RCA Orthophonic, adopted pro- Mono 78 RCA 38 RCA electrical 78RPM post appx. 1938
gressively after 1954 Mono 78 Columbia 38 Columbia electrical 78 RPM post appx.
Mono eRIAA Same as RIAA, but corrects the high 1938
frequency roll-off and excessive phase
shift of the vinyl cutting lathes (Enhanced
*The RIAA ‘Direct Metal Mastering’ Curve is not a standard EQ Curve. This unqiue AMR ‘Curve’ was developed specifically to correct for the ‘bright’ and
‘metallic’ edge of DMM recordings.
Appendix A - A History of EQ Curves