Use Manual

Table Of Contents
Related information...
Module component error messages (20000-29999), page 62
Message code: 22606
An analyzer mode must be switched offline
Probable cause Corrective action
An error has occurred. 1. Correct the error by following the instructions on
the touchscreen user interface.
2. If the error cannot be corrected, contact an Abbott
Laboratories representative or an authorized
service representative.
Related information...
Module component error messages (20000-29999), page 62
Message code: 22607
LAS.GLP connection cannot be established
Probable cause Corrective action
An error has occurred. 1. Correct the error by following the instructions on
the touchscreen user interface.
2. If the error cannot be corrected, contact an Abbott
Laboratories representative or an authorized
service representative.
Related information...
Module component error messages (20000-29999), page 62
Message code: 22608
Connection towards the analyzer cannot be established
Probable cause Corrective action
An error has occurred. 1. Correct the error by following the instructions on
the touchscreen user interface.
2. If the error cannot be corrected, contact an Abbott
Laboratories representative or an authorized
service representative.
Related information...
Module component error messages (20000-29999), page 62
Display error messages (23000-23017)
The display error message category includes message codes from 23000 through 23017.
Appendix A
Alinity ci-series SAL
Error messages
Sample Access Line (SAL) Interface Manual
80003970-101 DRAFT - 2022-MM-DD