Use Manual

Table Of Contents
Sample cleanup
Displays the sample cleanup status.
If the sample cleanup status is red, the status displays the
number of samples not deleted. If the sample cleanup status
does not change back to green after a few days, contact an
Abbott Laboratories representative or an authorized service
Message cleanup
Displays the message cleanup status.
Related information...
Track Sample Manager user interface, page 101
Log on to the Track Sample Manager (TSM), page 96
Track / RE tab (TSM)
On the Track / RE tab on the Track Sample Manager (TSM), the operator can perform the
following functions:
View a list of all active track elements, modules, and CARs.
View information about the CARs and track circles.
View a track layout illustration with status information on the individual active components.
View track performance analyses and modify the statistical criteria for track elements.
View the version numbers of segments and modules, and the version numbers and
operations data of CARs.
View the incoming and outgoing connection information between the Track Workflow
Manager (TWM) and TSM, and the status of TWM.
View the current operation mode of TSM.
Related information...
Track Sample Manager user interface, page 101
Track / RE tab element descriptions (TSM), page 105
Controller tab element descriptions (TSM), page 105
Segment Controller screen element descriptions (TSM), page 107
Module Controller screen element descriptions (TSM), page 110
Circles tab element descriptions (TSM), page 114
Layout tab element descriptions (TSM), page 115
Statistic tab element descriptions (TSM), page 115
Modify statistical criteria (TSM), page 116
Firmware tab element descriptions (TSM), page 117
Routing Engine tab element descriptions (TSM), page 119
Operating instructions
Track Sample Manager user interface
Section 5
GLP systems Track Operations Manual
80003968-101 - 2021-09-16