Use Manual

Table Of Contents
Circles tab element descriptions (TSM)
The Circles tab displays an overview of all generated track circles. Defining the circles is
recommended to ensure optimum traffic control on large-scale track systems. A schematic of all
circles is displayed on the Layout tab.
Fill level control Displays the fill level control for the circle:
All CARs
Empty CARs
No CARs (disabled)
Name Displays the circle name. The Track Sample Manager sets a
default name that the administrator can change.
Relevant switches Displays the node IDs of all switches whose default positions
define the circle boundaries.
Modules in circle Displays the module IDs of the modules in the circle.
Status Displays the status of the circle:
Green CARs can enter the circle.
Yellow The circle is full. No more CARs can
enter the circle.
CAR limit Displays the maximum number of CARs permitted in the
CARs in Displays the number of CARs currently in the circle.
CARs to Displays the number of CARs approaching the circle that
cannot turn back.
Function buttons
Refreshes the circle data. Full track circles are displayed in
the traffic jam view of the monitoring windows.
Save Saves the circle data when the administrator changes the
Operating instructions
Track Sample Manager user interface
Section 5
GLP systems Track Operations Manual
80003968-101 - 2021-09-16