User's Manual

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ART05005 REV 4
Calibration—The System must be calibrated approximately 1, 3, and 24 hours after
inserting a new Sensor. The System is calibrated using a blood glucose
measurement (performed in the Blood Glucose Mode using the built-in FreeStyle
Blood Glucose Meter). The Receiver compares the reading it gets from the blood to
the reading the Sensor takes from the interstitial fluid. Based on the calibration, the
Receiver calculates the most accurate real-time glucose readings.
Calibration BG—Allows you to add a new blood glucose measurement to the
average used for Sensor calibration. Use this feature only under the direction of a
Clinical Trial Support representative.
Capillary Blood—Blood from the tiny blood vessels in your body (such as in the tip of
your finger or alternate sites) used to measure glucose levels in the Blood Glucose
Mode. Capillary blood is also used for measuring glucose levels with traditional
glucose meters.
CM Status—Lets you view recent error codes related to the Continuous Monitoring
Mode. These codes appear only when the System is not functioning properly. Use
this option only under the direction of a Clinical Trial Support representative.
Continuous Monitoring Mode—One of two modes in which the System functions (the
other is Blood Glucose Mode). This is the mode you will use most of the time. It
displays the glucose level in your interstitial fluid continuously, as measured by the
Sensor you place just beneath your skin.
Control Solution Test—A test done with FreeStyle Control Solution in the Blood
Glucose Mode using the built-in FreeStyle Blood Glucose Meter to ensure that the
System is working properly.