User's Manual

WHITESTAR SIGNATURE System 3 • System Setup
Rx Only – NGP Z370165 Rev. A 1209 3-21
2. Use the instructions provided with the vitrectomy cutter to assemble the
Figure 3.10 – Vitrectomy Cutter
3. Attach the connector end of the vitrectomy cord to the vitrectomy receptacle on
the front panel.
Pre-Operative Sterilization
Prior to each surgical case, sterilize the WHITESTAR SIGNATURE System
instruments identified in Chapter 9, “Care and Cleaning” Instrument Sterilization
Procedures. The recommended sterilization techniques, times and temperatures are
given in Chapter 9, “Care and Cleaning”. AMO recommends that you follow the
sterilization guidelines to maximize the life of your WHITESTAR SIGNATURE
System instruments.
Footpedal The footpedal controls all of the WHITESTAR SIGNATURE System functions,
therefore, it is essential that you understand the footpedal operation.
The System software automatically detects if a footpedal and what type of
footpedal is connected during power up.
The footpedal settings and adjustments can be selected and preset for the footpedal
in the Configuration screen. Instructions for the footpedal settings are given in
Chapter 5, “Anterior Segment Surgery Operating Modes”. The footpedal housing
incorporates a handle, making the footpedal easy to grip for repositioning and
The Footpedal cable attaches to the footpedal connector on the rear of the console.
Note: You must NEVER handle the footpedal by the cable.