User's Manual

5 • Program Settings
RX Only NGP Z370500 Rev. B 1116
Figure 5.12 Pulse Shaping Screen
There are four settings for WHITESTAR ICE Pulse Shaping:
Low Power Limit
High Power Limit
Percent Kick Low End of Range
Percent Kick High End of Range
The Low Power Limit and High Power Limit settings define the range of the
applied pulse shaping. When the applied phaco power is outside these limits, there
is no pulse shaping.
The Percent Kick settings determine the amplitude, or amount of the
applied phaco
power “kick” in the first millisecond of phaco power, either in the low end or the
high end of the power range. As the phaco power increases from the Low Power
Limit to the High Power Limit, the percentage of kick interpolates for the power
ranges in between the two limits.
As an example, if you establish small a kick setting for the low end of the range and
establish a large kick setting for the high end of the range, the kick percentage
gradually increases as the phaco power increases. When the percent kick at the low
end is the same as the high end, then the kick remains constant throughout the low
to high range.