User's Guide

Abeeway Tracker Reference Guide FW 2.1 V1.1
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November 2020
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4.5.2 Motion sensitivity
The accelerometer sensitivity can be fine-tuned by configuration via the parameter motion_sensitivity as follows:
The zero value is used for the default sensitivity:
The range [1 .. 100] gives the sensitivity (in percentage).
4.5.3 Motion duration
The end of a motion is triggered by the absence of movement using a configuration parameter called
This parameter is expressed in seconds and ranges from [60 .. 3600]. The factory default value is 120 seconds.
4.5.4 Device orientation
The acceleration values from the three axes are available with the motion end event messages or by sending a
specific downlink. This allows the application to determine the tracker orientation.
4.6 Event Messages
Events message are supported by all Abeeway trackers
These messages are notifications sent by the tracker informing the server about specific events
Based on the configuration, events can be:
Geolocation start: Sent when the tracker begins a geolocation
Motion start: Sent when the trackers begins a motion
Motion end: Sent when the end of a motion is detected. (after motion_duration delay)
Temperature information: Sent if the measured temperature is below or above the configured thresholds
Start SOS mode: Sent when the trackers enters the SOS mode
Stop SOS mode: Sent when the trackers leaves the SOS mode
The sending of Geolocation start, Motion start, and Motion end event messages depend on the operational mode
as well as of the config_flags (bits 6, 8 and 9). See subsections below for more data
4.7 Shock detection
This feature is supported by all Abeeway trackers
4.7.1 Overview
This feature enables the reporting of the shocks detected by the tracker.
The configuration is flexible enough to detect a shock either globally or belonging to a given direction.
4.7.2 Configuration
The configuration of the shock detection is based on a single parameter called shock_detection. This parameter
gives the accelerometer sensitivity used to trigger the shock events.
The threshold can range from 0 to 100%. Value 0 means no detection.
1- The motion_sensitivity parameter must be configured (nonzero value)
2- The shock_detection parameter must be lower than the motion_sensitivity, otherwise all motions events are
considered as shocks