Instruction Manual

controls allow reassigning the channel strips to access an unlimited number of Live tracks.
1. Arm By default, this arms the track for recording in exclusion of all other tracks.
To arm the track nonexclusively (i.e., in addition to other tracks), hold down the
Mackie Control's Control button while pressing this. Note that a Misc Preference
setting in Live allows deactivating exclusive track arming. When this setting is
deactivated, the behavior of this knob with respect to exclusive and nonexclusive
arming is reversed.
2. Signal LED Shows an armed track's input signal level from MIDI or audio; shows
an unarmed track's output signal level.
3. Solo Activates/deactivates soloing for the track in exclusion of all other tracks.
To solo the track nonexclusively (i.e., in addition to other tracks), hold down the
Mackie Control's Control button while pressing this. Note that a Misc Preference
setting in Live allows deactivating exclusive track soloing. When this setting is
deactivated, the behavior of this knob with respect to exclusive and nonexclusive
soloing is reversed.
4. Mute Mutes/unmutes the track nonexclusively.
5. Select Selects the track, both in Live and on the Mackie Control, for various
6. V-Pot/Fader The fader controls track volume by default but can be ipped to
control track panning. Please see the next section for the details on V-Pots.