User Guide

18.6 Compressor II
The Compressor II
Compressor II is a state of the art compression unit the tool of choice for a wide range of
dynamic processing applications including limiting and loudness maximization. Compressor
II's design is a lot more sophisticated and capable than Compressor I's. It includes frequency-
selective compression using a sidechain EQ, variable look-ahead times and two response
modes, Peak and RMS. Compressor I is still a valuable sound design tool in spite of, or rather
because of, its simplicity and roughness, which can add interesting avors to your sounds.
A compressor can only react to an input signal once it occurs. Since it also needs to apply
an attack/release envelope, the compression is always a bit too late. A digital compressor
can solve this problem by simply delaying the input signal a little bit. Compressor II offers
three different predelay times: zero ms, one ms and ten ms. The results may sound pretty
different depending on this setting. Keep in mind that using ten ms of predelay makes the
output appear signicantly later. You may have to delay other tracks with a Simple Delay in
order to stay in sync.
Compressor II can either react to short peaks within a signal or to something that is more
related to how people perceive loudness. The parameter for this is the Peak/RMS switch.
If you intend to use Compressor II as a limiter in the master section, Peak is probably