Reference Manual

Setting the Warp
Markers for a Poorly Cut
Syncing Odd-Length Loops
If you import a sample that contains a seven-bar loop, Live initially assumes the loop is eight
bars long (or four, depending on its length) and plays it out of sync. For correct playback,
the last marker needs to show an eight, not a nine. To achieve this do the following:
1. Double-click on the last Warp Marker to delete it.
2. Double-click on the eight to create a new Warp Marker.
3. Drag the new Warp Marker to the sample end.
If Live's initial guess had been a four-bar loop, the eight would not have been accessible. In
that case, you could initially drag the Warp Marker at the end toward the left until the eight
became visible.
Theoretically this should have done the job for our seven-bar loop. Practically, though, it is
very likely that moving the markers led to a change of the loop start and end points. This
is because the loop is tied to the meter grid and therefore moves with the Warp Markers,
which dene the meter grid. Live makes sure the loop ts in the sample, and therefore has
to change its length if required by a Warp Marker change.