Reference Manual

For each missing sample, the automatic search function may ξ€œnd any number of candidates.
Let's consider the following cases:
No candidate found  you can either relax the search function's constraints and try
again, or locate the sample manually.
One candidate found  Live accepts the candidate and considers the problem solved.
Several candidates found  Live requires your assistance: Click the Hot-Swap button
(i.e., the leftmost item in every line of the list of missing samples) to have the File
Browser present the candidates in Hot-Swap Mode. You can now double-click the
candidates in the File Browser to load them, as the music plays if you like.
5.9 Collecting External Samples
To prevent a Live Set from containing broken sample references, Live provides the option
of collecting (i.e., copying) them into the Set's project folder. This is accomplished via the
File Manager:
Choose the Manage Files command from the File menu
Click the Manage Set button
Unfold the triangular-shaped fold button in the External Samples section.