Reference Manual

Feeding an Additional
MIDI Track Into an
Existing MIDI Track to
Reuse its Instrument.
This is accomplished by setting the new MIDI track's Output Type chooser to Pad. Note
that the Output Channel chooser now offers a selection of destinations: We can either feed
the new track's output into the input of the pad track, or we can directly address the Simpler.
The Track In option in the Output Channel represents the pad track's input signal (the
signal to be recorded), which is not what we want. We instead select Simpler Ch. 1 to
send the new track's MIDI directly to the Simpler, bypassing the recording and monitoring
stage. With this setup, we can choose to record new takes on either track and they will all
play the same pad sound.
The Instrument Has
Been Isolated in a
Dedicated Track.
We might be bothered by the fact that muting the pad track (by turning off its Activator