User`s guide

Tap Tempo (Preset) - Tap on this switch to set the delay
time. When a new delay time is set by the Tap Tempo
switch, it will override the manual delay time knob.
A LONG PRESS of the Tap Tempo switch enters PRESET
SELECT mode. Once you have entered the PRESET SELECT
mode, the green preset digit will blink. A SHORT PRESS on
the tap tempo switch will move up one preset and a LONG
PRESS will move down one preset. Once the desired preset
is queued, pressing the ENGAGE foot switch will activate it.
During the preset select process, the previously chosen
preset remains active. The newly selected preset is not
actually loaded until you press the Engage footswitch.
Engage - Turns the effect on and off.
The engage footswitch is also used to load presets once
you have entered PRESET SELECT mode. When the Engage
switch is used to load a preset, the bypass status of the
effect will not change.
Factory Reset
Holding down both footswitches during power up will
result in a factory reset, restoring all 60 original Echolution
2 presets.
WARNING: Performing a factory reset will erase all custom
preset data stored to the Echolution 2.