- AC Technology Corporation Frequency Inverter Operating Instructions

Code Possible Settings
No. Name Default Selection
Motor Stator
0.00 0.00 {W}
64.00 Will be automatically programmed by
Changing these settings can
adversely affect performance.
Contact factory technical support
prior to changing
Motor Stator
0.0 0.0 {mH} 2000
Torque Limit 100 0 {%} 400 When P300 = 5, sets the maximum
output torque.
Preset Torque
Setpoint #1
100 0 {%} 400 TB-13A activated; P121 = 3 and
P300 = 5
Preset Torque
Setpoint #2
100 0 {%} 400 TB-13B activated; P122 = 3 and
P300 = 5
Preset Torque
Setpoint #3
100 0 {%} 400 TB-13C activated; P123 = 3 and
P300 = 5
Current Loop P
0.25 0.00 16.0
Changing these settings can adversely
affect performance. Contact factory
technical support prior to changing.
Current Loop I
65 12 {ms} 9990
Speed Loop
0.0 0.0 {%} 20.0
Motor Auto-
0 0 Calibration Not Done If P300 = 2...5, motor calibration
must be performed, but motor data
must be programmed first
An alternating
/ will occur if:
- motor calibration is attempted with
P300 = 0 or 1
- motor calibration is attempted
before programming motor data
1 Calibration Enabled
2 Calibration Complete
To run the Auto Calibration:
- Set P302...P306 according to motor nameplate
- Set P399 = 1
- Make sure motor is cold (20° - 25° C)
- Apply a Start command
- Display will indicate
for about 40 seconds
- Once the calibration is complete, the display will indicate
; apply
another Start command to actually start the motor
- Parameter P399 will now be set to 2.
(1) Any changes to this parameter will not take effect until the drive is stopped