User's Guide

Accent 800 User’s Guide-Empower 49
Feature Description
Status area When a feature is turned on, its icon appears in
the status area of the multi-bar: Vocabulary
Builder, touch access, head tracking, eye
tracking, or scanning. The status area also shows
system sound/mute status and the current time
and battery charge level.
Activity Window The activity window displays tools (such as
punctuation), common activities (such as
greetings and calendar time), and fringe
vocabulary. Fringe vocabulary generally consists
of nouns that are used less frequently and vary
according to a situation.
Note: Only certain vocabularies (Unity 60 and
84) have an activity window.
Core vocabulary Words that are most commonly usedthey are
used regardless of situation, communication
partner, or age/disability of the communicator.
Core vocabulary lets individuals get their
message across.