User's Manual

F-Lock Keys
Kensington PilotBoard wireless keyboard includes additional functions in the
traditional F keys found on the top row of the standard keyboard keys. Pressing
the F-Lock key will toggle on and off these functions. For example, the traditional
function for F5 is refresh page, with F-Lock turned on the F5 key now performs
the ‘Cut’ action. If you install Kensington KeyboardWorks you can use the soft-
ware to disable the F-Lock key at Windows start.
Task Description
Help Displays the help information for Windows or the application that has focus.
New Creates a new document in Microsoft Office.
Open Opens an Microsoft Office document.
Save Saves the current document.
Cut Cuts the selected text or graphic from a document.
Copy Copies the selected text or graphic from a document.
Paste Pastes the contents of the clipboard to the selected document.
Print Sends the current document to the printer.
Spell Spell checks the current document.
Bold Sets the current text to bold.
Sets the current text to underline.
Italic Sets the current text to Italic.
Prt sc Takes a picture of the current screen and saves it to the clip board. You can
then use the ‘Paste’ button to paste that image to the current document.
Scroll Used in DOS applications.
Pause Used in specialized Windows applications.
Media Key Icon Description
Calculator Start the calculator application.
Sleep Puts your system to sleep.
Forward Moves forward to the next song.
Back Moves Backward to the previous song.
Play/Pause Pauses and plays your media player.
Fast Rewind Rewinds to the beginning of the current song.
Stop Stops the media player.
Fast Forward Fast forward to the end of the current song.
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