User Manual

Table Of Contents
Dial Plan
Figure 7-3 Dial Plan Settings
The function of elements allowed in a dial plan are described in the table below:
When a user dials a series of digits, the dial-plan rule is tested for a possible match.
If a match is made, the dialed sequence is transmitted. If no match is made, the
dialed number is blocked and the user will hear an error tone.
A dial-plan string cannot include spaces between elements. Dialed sequences that
are longer than specified in a dial-plan rule are truncated after the number of
specified digits. For example, if the dial-plan rule is “011x” and “0115678” is dialed,
only the digit sequence “0115” is transmitted.
Table 7-1. Dial Plan Elements
Element Example Description
x xxxx Represents a digit of any value ( 0 to 9) that can be dialed on a
phone. This example has a rule with four digits of any number.
. xx. Indicates zero or more occurrences of the previous symbol. The
example acts like a wildcard, meaning any dialed phone number of
two or more digits is allowed.
0-9 01xx Indicates dialed digits that must be matched. This example only
allows four-digit numbers starting “01.”
[ ] [125-8] Limits a dialed digit to specified values or a range of values. The
example specifies that only digits 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are permitted.
t xx.t The timeout indicator that can placed after dialed digits or at the end
of the dial-plan string.