User Manual

English - 22
3. When I lock the second drive carrier with a disk drive
in place, the red activity indicator turns on and an
alarm beep sounds (The first Drive Carrier has already
been locked without any problem).
(a) Make sure you firmly connect the IDE and Power
connectors of hard disk to their counterparts inside the
drive carrier and try again. If this does not solve the
situation, go to (b)
(b) Check if the capacity of the second disk drive is equal
or bigger than the first one.
(c) Change the disk drive with a new one and try again.
(d) Exchange the top and bottom drive carriers and try
(e) If all of the above steps fail, contact your vendor.
4. I locked only one of the two hard disks when powering
on the 7500, and then lock the other one while the 7500
is without power. After that, the drive carrier that was
locked last can’t be used normally. How do I solve this
Lock the both hard disks when powering on the 7500
and wait for the buzzer sound. After that, lock the drive
carrier that has source hard disk and power on. If you have
already finished all these steps, please follow the “Online
rebuilding” to copy the important data to the target disk.
5. I shut down the power while the 7500 was rebuilding,
and I also keyed off the drive carrier with the source