User Manual

Using the RAID GUI
Configure or Modify SMTP server
Select a server you want to configure and click Modify. The
configurations window opens. Enter the information for the following
Test SMTP server
Select a server and click Test SMTP to ensure the SMTP server is correctly
configured. The Send Test Mail window displays. Enter an email address
for testing.
2.10.4 System Time
Setting up the Time
Time is required for the controller to record events and to schedule
maintenance tasks. There are two time modes for selection, static and
NTP settings.
For network settings, do the following:
1. Select System Management > Time from the main menu.
2. From the Time Mode drop-down menu, select either static or NTP.
• If you select the static mode, specify the date and time. The data
and time is set in form as MM/DD/YY and hh/mm.
Server Address Set the SMTP server address.
Port Enter the SMTP port for the outgoing mails. Check
with your ISP provider for the port number to use.
By default, the port is set to 0.
SSL Setting Enable or disable the SMTP server to use secure
Sender Account Set the account to be used on the SMTP server.
Authentication Turn the authentication on or off for the SMTP
Password Set the password of the account on the SMTP
Name Set the name to be shown in the sender field. If this
option is not set, the sender account on the SMTP
will be used.
The primary and secondary server must not be the same SMTP
server and sender.