User Manual

configurations and save it as a file on his desktops, and he can restore the
configurations later, if needed for system recovery or apply the
configuration files to other systems. The configurations can also be saved to
disk drives such that the configurations can be restored from the disk drives
after the array roaming.
Hardware parameters
Extensive user-configurable parameters are provided for configuring the
system. The administrator can choose the speed of connections of disk
drives or host for better compatibility, or he can choose to set policies for IO
processing, like maximum number of retries, time-out value, SMART polling
period, on-disk cache control, and so on. The firmware also provides
extensive hardware statistics that help the administrator to know the system
better and to conduct integration diagnostics more effectively.
Management network interface
Using network to manage IT infrastructure and devices has been a common
practices, so a storage system is required to be easily adopted in a network
environment. The firmware supports a variety of network protocols: HTTP,
TELNET, SSH, SSL, DHCP, NTP, DNS, SNMP, and SMTP such that the storage
system can be easily managed.
B.13 Easy-To-Use User Interfaces
A storage system is valued not only by its functionalities but also how user-
friendly it is. The storage systems with RAID controller have been marketed
as the most easy-to-use storage solutions in the market for years. The
firmware provides comprehensive features while keeps everything simple.
The administrator can quickly understand each operation and unleash the
functions of the system more effectively. The storage system vendors can
also benefit from that because the efforts for educating users and
supporting users to conduct maintenance tasks can be largely reduced,
and the technical support staff can focus on high-level planning or
cultivating new business.
Web-based GUI
The administrator can enjoy the friendly GUI by pervasive web browsers
without installing any software. Because the GUI is platform-independent, it
eases the administration access to the storage systems and largely reduces
the potential risk of software interoperability. The RAIDGuard also features
online help, by which the administrator can learn the system more easily.
Command line interface (CLI)
The command line interface provides shortcuts for power users who want to
complete tasks by quickly entering a few lines of text commands. People at
testing labs can build the test configurations in seconds, and there is virtually
no effort to repeat the commands. IT staff can also leverage the command