System information

Altos R380 F2 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
ANSWER: Please refer to Smart Server Manager User Guide.
13. Does Smart Server Manager support ASR (Automatic Server Restart)?
To support ASR function, two things are required.
Server hardware to implement WDT (Watchdog Timer), i.e. BMC
Management software agent to send a heartbeat in the form of a reset watchdog timer
The watchdog timer hardware will count down from a configurable value and restart or shutdown the server
if the count reaches zero. Management software agent will periodically send a heartbeat to reset the timer so
that if the operating system, drivers, or services stop functioning, the server system will be automatically
restarted or shut down.
The watchdog timer hardware must provide a mechanism to request to either shut down or restart the server
upon the countdown reaching zero. Shutdown is equivalent to a power off by holding the power button for >
4 seconds. Restart is equivalent to a system reset (that is pressing the reset button).
Currently, there is no agent support with Smart Server Manger.