User Guide

You can choose to avoid specific roads in the automatically
calculated itinerary or adjust the route using waypoints.
1) Customise your Trip Itinerary
Set CoPilot to Guidance Mode by selecting Menu > Mode >
Enter your destination(s) and press ‘Start Driving’.
Press Menu > View > Itinerary to display the itinerary map
which shows all road names, turn instructions and the
distance between each turn.
Select and hold a road that you want to avoid and select
the ‘Avoid Road’ pop-up box. CoPilot will calculate a new
route that avoids the selected road. This step can be
To return to the original route, press the ‘Cancel detour’
2) Set Waypoints
You can define CoPilot’s route by setting destinations as
‘Waypoints’ as described on p. 19). CoPilot will guide you
through the waypoint towards your destination.
Note: If there is no other possible road or
the alternative route is too impractical, a
new route will NOT be generated.
SSeelleeccttiivvee RRoouuttiinngg
CoPilot Pocket PC 6
Selective Routing
Acer n300, c510 and c530 Edition