Operation Manual

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other products.
Do not throw this electronic device into the trash when discarding. To minimize
pollution and ensure utmost protection of the global environment, please recycle.
For more information on the Waste from Electrical and Electronics Equipment (WEEE)
regulations, visit http://www.acer-group.com/public/Sustainability
The LCD unit is produced with high-precision manufacturing techniques. Nevertheless,
some pixels may occasionally misfire or appear as black or red dots. This has no effect on
the recorded image and does not constitute a malfunction.
This product has been shipped enabled for power management:
• Activatedisplay’sSleepmodewithin5minutesofuserinactivity.
• WakethemonitorwhenitisinActiveOffmode,movethemouseorpressany
Computer users may complain of eyestrain and headaches after prolonged use. Users are
also at risk of physical injury after long hours of working in front of a computer. Long
work periods, bad posture, poor work habits, stress, inadequate working conditions,
personal health and other factors greatly increase the risk of physical injury.
Incorrect computer usage may lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, tenosynovitis
or other musculoskeletal disorders. The following symptoms may appear in the hands,
wrists, arms, shoulders, neck or back:
• numbness,oraburningortinglingsensation
• aching,sorenessortenderness