User's Manual

P pulse dialing
T touch-tone dialing
W wait for second dial tone
, pause
@ wait for five seconds of silence
! flash
; return to Command Mode after dialing
: return to Command Mode after dialing
and maintain connection
DS=n Dial one of the four telephone numbers (n=0-
3) stored in the modem’s non-volatile memory
E_ E0 Commands are not echoed
E1 Commands are echoed
+++ TIES Escape Characters - Switch from Data
Mode to Command Mode
H_ H0 Force modem on-hook (hang up)
H1 Force modem off-hook (make busy)
I_ I0 Display 14400
I1 Display 000
I2 Internal memory test
I3 Firmware revision number
I4 Configuration settings
L_ L0 Low speaker volume
L1 Low speaker volume
L2 Medium speaker volume
L3 High speaker volume
M_ M0 Internal speaker off
M1 Internal speaker on until carrier detected
M2 Internal speaker always on
M3 Internal speaker on until carrier detected and
off while dialing
N_ N0 Line speed set by register S37.
N1 Originate with automatic rate negotiation
starting at S37 setting, answer at any speed.
N2 Adds V.23 to N1
N3 Originating line speed set via register S37
N4 Same as N3
N5 Originate with automatic rate negotiation
starting at S37 setting, Anwer only at S37
O_ O0 Return to Data Mode