Technical data

Acer | HDS AMS200 User and Reference Guide 109
Chapter 6 Configuring the AMS200 Subsystem
This chapter includes the following:
Overview of Configuration
Configuring the LAN Interface of the AMS200 Subsystem
Configuring the AMS200 Subsystem
Registering the AMS200 Subsystem for Control by Storage Navigator-Modular
Configuring the AMS200 Subsystem for the Desired Application
General Configuration of the AMS200 Subsystem
This chapter provides information on the Fibre, NAS, and iSCSI models. The following table
illustrates sections that provide an explanation for each model.
Fibre model: Connects disk array subsystem to a host computer with Fibre Channel
NAS model: Connects NAS Unit connected to disk array subsystem to a host computer
with LAN interface.
iSCSI model: Connects disk array subsystem to a host computer with iSCSI interface.
Sections Fibre NAS iSCSI
6.1 6.1.1 Open Systems Configuration { {
6.1.2 Defining LUNs { { {
6.1.3 Fibre Channel Interface Addressing { {
6.1.4 iSCSI Interface Addressing {
6.1.5 Alternate Pathing { {
6.1.6 NAS Configuration {
6.2 Configuring the LAN Interfaces Addressing { { {
6.3 Configuring the AMS 200 Subsystem { { {
6.4 Registering the AMS 200 Subsystem for Control by Storage Navigator – Modular { { {
6.5 Configuring the AMS 200 Subsystem for the Desired Application { { {
6.6 General Configuration of the AMS 200 Subsystem { { {
{: The explanation is provided.
—: The explanation is not provided.