Technical data

Acer | HDS AMS200 User and Reference Guide 113
6.1.4 iSCSI Interface Addressing
The AMS200 supports 4 iSCSI ports by adding iSCSI interface board. The iSCSI port is assigned
a target ID by addressing port ID. The AMS200 can address up to 256 logical unit numbers for
one port. Host computer accesses to the logical unit with the required logical unit number
by identifying the port of disk array subsystem using target ID. The following figure
illustrates iSCSI port addressing and logical unit number assignment.
Host Other subsystem
Target ID (Port ID)
iSCSI port
iSCSI port
Target ID (Port ID)
Each Port ID must be unique and within
the range from 0 to EF (hexadecimal).
LUN 0 to LUN 255
(256LUs per host group and port
in the range of LUN0 to 511 at
the time of LU mapping)
Figure 6.3 iSCSI Port-to-LUN Addressing (When iSCSI interface board is installed)