Technical data

226 Chapter 8 Troubleshooting Progress Condition Display
The progress condition, as the device is booting, is displayed in the progress condition
display box. Page Refresh Button
This button sets the on/off function of the automatic redisplay function. If clicked, the
on/off mode changes:
OFF display: The screen is not refreshed.
ON display: The screen of the mainframe is refreshed every 5 seconds. The refresh time
currently (RTC) is displayed on the right top.
8.3.4 Status Display of Replaceable Components
The status display screen of replaceable components displays the status of the Disk Drive,
Control Unit, Cache Unit, Fiber Channel Loop on the drive side, Fan Assembly, Backup
Battery Unit, Power Unit/Power Unit (DC), and ENC Unit that are implemented.
This screen is not displayed if the component is not implemented. When the replaceable
component has an abnormal status, a red image is displayed.
Figure 8.8 Component Status Screen