Operation Manual

24 - Going online
If you did not enter a Gmail account address and password when you
first started your tablet, follow the instructions.
Composing an email
1. Make sure your tablet is connected to the internet.
2. Tap APPS and then Gmail.
3. Tap .
4. Enter the recipient's email address, the subject and message.
5. When you are finished composing your message, tap .
Voice Search
With voice actions, you can send emails, find directions to locations,
search the internet and even send a note to yourself using your voice.
In Chrome, tap the microphone icon in the address bar for voice
searches. When the Speak now prompt displays, state your
command or query then press the red microphone button. Your
command displays in the search box. Tap Go on the keyboard to
complete the command or query.
Voice Search is available only in selected regions.