
applications for an ecosystem already struggling to keep up with Apple's 140,000-strong offering
of iPad optimized apps.
Amazon went out and penned deals with a host of the main players in this arena, which means
Angry Birds, Words With Friends, Plants vs Zombies, Dead Space and Scrabble are all present
and accounted for, while the company is continuing to offer a free Premium app every day
While the Amazon appstore is well-stocked and will offer enough to get by on, no Google
support means no official YouTube app, no Google+, no Maps, no Gmail, no Earth, no Voice
(there's no microphone), no Translate and no Navigation (there's no GPS anyway).
The Amazon Kindle Fire represents astonishingly good value for money; perhaps the best gadget
bargain of this era. It's a solid tablet perfectly tailored to its aim of pushing you to buy digital
content from Amazon.
However, this can't be considered an iPad Killer. The iPad does absolutely everything better and
so it should at double the price. This, however, is an entirely different proposition to any other
tablet on the market and can't be judged on the same merits.
People who want an iPad will still buy one. However, due to the sheer number of Fires that will
sell, it will be the first device that can truly compete in terms of popularity and uptake.