Operating Instructions

2. Align the camera to take a photo of one end of the panoramic scene (the furthest
left, right, top or bottom).
3. Press the camera button to take the first image; then smoothly turn the camera to
the left or right to take the next image of the scene.
A blue dot shows the center of the next image; move the camera so the dot is
in the center of the screen; your smartphone will then automatically capture an
image and select the center of the next section of the image. Repeat to capture
all images.
Note: If fewer than five images are sufficient for your panoramic photo, tap the tick icon to
stop the selection process and process the captured images.
The camera application will process the images and save a single extended image
to your smartphone’s gallery.
Note: Panoramic images work best with static outdoor scenes. Objects to close to the
camera or large straight edges may confuse the detection process.
Camcorder settings menu
Ta p to activate the camcorder. Tap to mute, and tap again to unmute.
To adjust the settings, tap the settings button. The menu options are:
Icon Description
Set the video quality.
Set the timer:
Off, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds.
* Only for the rear camera.
Select photo storage location:
SD card or internal memory.
Set store location on (enables geotagging) or off. Please refer to "Geotagging" on
page 42.
Exposure value:
Adjust from "-3" to "3" with "0" being the default.
Focus mode:
Infinity, Continuous
Audio mode (noise cancellation options):
Normal, Indoor, Outdoor
Restore all settings to default.