
PC/II+p Board Technical Reference Manual 13
MT002615 ©1999-2001, Megatel Computer Corporation
All peripheral I/O, including Video CRT, 24-Bit Flat Panel, Keyboard, Mouse, IDE, 2 Serial and Parallel ports
are pulled to a Mass I/O Connector on the board. The Ethernet is provided separately on a standard 2x5 pin
header. A 12-pin power header is provided to supply the single +5V rail to the board and the +5V rail is
regulated to +3.3V, +2.5V and the CPU Core Voltage (+1.9V typical) by two on the board high-efficient
switching regulators and a tiny linear regulator. On-board voltage monitors are provided to manage power
levels, and a hardware-enabled software-controlled Watchdog is available on the board.
The on-board core BIOS is contained in a 256 KB flash ROM which is configured and shadowed into
conventional system RAM at boot time. The flash ROM also contains option BIOS modules (for example, the
Chips/Intel Video bios) which may be loaded into conventional system RAM at boot time depending upon
options ordered with the board. The BIOS is fully AT compliant.
The FR4 PCB is manufactured to megatel technology standards, and was routed to a minimum number of
layers. It uses a separate ground plane and multiple power planes to provide a controlled impedance
environment for the high-speed operation of the board. The board template specification is given later in this
document. The on-board power monitors tightly hold the board in RESET state while power is ramping up or
down outside of the ±5% operating range and until all clocks are stable.
PC/II+p uses up-to-date low-cost components and provides a powerful SBC engine. Careful engineering was
used throughout its design to provide robust operation. Compared to conventional PC/104 Cpu boards, the
PC/II+p provides a unique solution that combines high performance, very high density and low cost. The
board is offered in its base configuration that consists of minimal memory, system controller and CPU. All
options are orthogonal and any combination of peripherals can be populated and custom performance
settings can be ordered at your option to meet your price/performance requirements.
For scalable designs, the Pc/II+p and the other 104Family members offer you a solution with an excellent
combination of a low-cost and high-tech engineered performance.