User`s manual

Storage Manager
If you want to monitor the progress of the build operation, display the
Array Group Information window for the new array group. The build
progress is displayed as a percentage of completion in the Status field. You
can also view the Information window for an array that is a member of a
Parity Group to monitor the progress for that component of the Parity
Naming an Array Group
Click the Name button in the Array Group Information window to assign a
unique name to an Array Group or Parity Group. This name will be
displayed under the array icon and other locations that the display the
array identifier. The name can be 1 13 characters in length.
NOTE You must restart the host computer before the new array name
will take effect.
Dynamic Array Expansion
NOTE Dynamic Array Expansion is available only for arrays created
with SmartRAID V controllers running in a Windows NT host
Dynamic Array Expansion allows you to increase your storage capacity by
adding one or more drives to your RAID 0 and RAID 5 arrays while your
system remains online. As additional drives are added, the controller
redistributes the data on the array, placing the new space at the end of the
LSU and increasing the size of the logical drive as seen by Windows NT.
Before this feature was available, to increase the size of an array you had
to backup the data on the array, shutdown the host system, delete the old
array, and then build a larger array that included the new drives. After the
larger array was built, you would reinstall the operating system (if
necessary) and restore the data from the backup. This entire process
could keep your system off-line for at least one day and possibly longer.
Dynamic Array Expansion lets you add the new drives to the array while
the system is active and users are logged in and accessing data. After the
array is expanded, use Windows NT Disk Administrator to add the
additional space to the volume set of the array, then shutdown the system
and restart. When the system restarts, Windows NT recognizes the
additional space as part of the existing logical drive.