User`s manual

Storage Manager
I/O Statistics
SmartRAID V controllers keep a cumulative record of I/O operations in
cache RAM for use in analyzing the efficiency of the storage subsystem.
You can view this data by selecting I/O Stats in the Information window for
any, controller, drive or array. By analyzing these statistics, the array
configuration, cache and stripe size can be optimized for your particular
system configuration.
Controller I/O Statistics
Click the I/O Stats button in the Host Bus Adapter Information window to
see cache statistics for that controller. These statistics include:
Cache Statistics
Total Pages
The total number of pages contained in the controller
Used Pages
The number of pages that currently contain disk data.
Dirty Pages
The number of pages that contain dirty data.
Read-Ahead Pages
The number of cache pages that contain data that has
been loaded from disk as a result of read-ahead
ECC Fault Pages
The number of pages that have been mapped for
non-use after a RAM fault was discovered by the
controller ECC feature