User`s manual

Read This First!
About the Documentation
The complete documentation set for the SmartRAID V product line
consists of three parts:
The Users Manual (this book), which contains information that helps
you to configure and install your SmartRAID V product and using the
Storage Manager software. This document also contains information
about using the DPT storage subsystem utility Storage Manager on
ROM; background information about the peripheral bus, SCSI, RAID,
and caching; system specifications; troubleshooting tips; a glossary of
terms; and other topics of interest to SmartRAID V users.
The Quick Install Guide, a brief version of installation steps designed
for the experienced user. This document contains instructions in
English, French, German, Italian, Polish and Spanish.
The Storage Manager Help System, which contains information about
using the Storage Manager software, using SCSI devices and creating
disk arrays.
NOTE An updated version of this manual (in Adobe Acrobat PDF
format) may be available for download on the DPT web site
( SmartRAID V Quick Install Guides are also
available for download from the DPT web site.
User’s Manual
The Users Manual contains seven chapters and 4 appendices.
Chapter 1, Read This First This chapter provides an overview of
the rest of the documentation, and a roadmap of the installation
Chapter 2, About Your New SmartRAID V Controller This chapter
describes the features of the various SmartRAID V controllers, and
the add-on modules that you can use with your controller.
Chapter 3, Configuration and Installation This chapter provides
instructions about setting up device IDs and termination,
assembling the main board, plug-in modules and SIMM or DIMM
memory modules, selecting the proper cables, and installing the
controller into your PC.
Chapter 4, Storage Manager on ROM This chapter provides
instructions for using the Storage Manager on ROM (SMOR) utility.
SMOR is a DPT storage management utility that is part of the
controller ROM and is available during boot. You can use SMOR to
configure your controller and create disk arrays before installing an
operating system on your computer.