User`s manual

Theory of Operation
Creating Data Redundancy
RAID 5 offers improved storage efficiency over RAID 1 because only the
parity information is stored, rather than a complete redundant copy of
all data. The result is that three or more drives can be combined into a
RAID 5 array, with the storage capacity of only one drive dedicated to
store the parity information. Therefore, RAID 5 arrays provide greater
storage efficiency than RAID 1 arrays. However, this efficiency must be
balanced against a corresponding loss in performance.
The parity data for each stripe of a RAID 5 array is the XOR of all the data
in that stripe, across all the drives in the array. When the data in a stripe is
changed, the parity information is also updated. There are two ways to
accomplish this:
The first method is based on accessing all of the data in the modified
stripe and regenerating parity from that data. For a write that changes
all the data in a stripe, parity can be generated without having to read
from the disk, because the data for the entire stripe will be in the
cache. This is known as full-stripe write. If only some of the data in a
stripe is to change, the missing data (the data the host does not write)
must be read from the disks to create the new parity. This is known as
partial-stripe write. The efficiency of this method for a particular
write operation depends on the number of drives in the RAID 5 array
and what portion of the complete stripe is written.
The second method of updating parity is to determine which data bits
were changed by the write operation and then change only the
corresponding parity bits. This is done by first reading the old data
which is to be overwritten. This data is then XORed with the new data
that is to be written. The result is a bit mask which has a 1 in the
position of every bit which has changed. This bit mask is then XORed
with the old parity information from the array. This results in the
corresponding bits being changed in the parity information. The new
updated parity is then written back to the array. This results in two
reads, two writes and two XOR operations. This is known as read-