User`s manual

High Speed Serial Data Connector. The industry
standard modular connector used on Fibre
Channel controllers.
Intelligent I/O Architecture. A proprietary
specification that provides a standardized
software interface between peripheral devices
with built-in intelligence and a host operating
A numeric value used by SCSI devices to
address one another. (IDs can be from 0 to 7 or
0 to 15 for Wide SCSI.) Fibre Channel devices
can have ID numbers from 0 to 126.
Information View
The view in SMOR that provides a display of
device specific information when that device is
highlighted in the Tree View. The information
on this view may be further grouped into Tab
A SCSI device, such as a SmartRAID V
controller, that sends commands to SCSI Target
devices such as disk drives.
Interrupt ReQuest. A hardware interrupt on a
computer. Systems that use the IBM/Intel
architecture have 16 IRQ lines used to signal
the CPU when a peripheral event has started or
terminated. Except for PCI devices, two devices
cannot use the same line. The PCI bus allows
IRQs to be shared between devices.
The time required by a device to access stored
data, excluding the data transfer time. Reducing
disk latency results in more I/O operations per
second being performed on a disk drive.
Logical Block Address. A method of addressing
storage blocks on a disk drive in a linear
fashion, rather than by Cylinder, Track and
Sector. This technique also overcomes storage
addressing limitations on some systems.
Light Emitting Diode. An electronic device that
gives off light when power is applied.
Least Recently Used. A cache management
algorithm employed by SmartRAID V to
determine the next cache page to delete and
reuse when all pages have been filled with data.
By deleting the page in cache that has gone the
longest without an access, the algorithm
ensures that the most frequently accessed data
is resident in the cache.
Logical Storage Unit. A device on which the
computer can store and retrieve information.
This can be an individual disk drive or an array
Logical Unit Number. Each SCSI device can
contain up to eight sub-devices or logical units.
The logical units are assigned from 0 to 7.
Typically, SCSI devices such as a disk or tape
drive contain only one subunit (LUN 0).
Low Voltage Differential SCSI. A SCSI-3
transmission protocol that provides long cable
lengths without the need for external high
voltage bus transceivers. The maximum
synchronous transfer rate is 40MHz. Also known
as Ultra2 SCSI.
Media Interface Adapter. A device that converts
electrical signals to optical fiber signals for
Fibre Channel connections.
A popular term for RAID 1. It refers to the
method of creating disk-fault tolerance by
storing duplicate information on pairs of drives.
A data access in which the requested data is not
found in cache.