User`s manual

To configure your hardware and create disk arrays when Storage
Manager is not available, run Storage Manager on ROM (SMOR) during
the system boot. This is especially useful for a new system where you need
to create disk arrays before you install the operating system.
After your storage subsystem is configured, install your operating system
according to the appropriate procedure in Chapter 5, Software
Installation. For access to all of the advanced features of your controller,
install the version of Storage Manager specific to your operating system.
Follow these steps to run SMOR and configure a new system:
1. Press Ctrl+D when the DPT BIOS message appears during boot to
start SMOR.
2. Inspect the hardware configuration as shown by SMOR.
a. Verify that all peripheral devices and controllers are shown. If any
devices are missing from the display, exit SMOR and check your
hardware connections.
b. View the Information window for each controller to verify that all
installed expansion and memory modules are shown. Note the
IRQ and Address displayed in the Configuration window. The IRQ
and Address values may be required during installation of your
operating system.
3. Create disk arrays (see Array Operations in this chapter). Array
Groups can be created or modified at any time after system
installation. However, if the boot device will be an array, that array
must be created before the operating system is installed.
4. Exit SMOR when you are finished with the configuration tasks.
Arrays that were created or modified start building at this time. For
large arrays, this process may take several hours. You can perform
other activities on the system while the build operation continues.
The array groups being built can be accessed while the build is in
progress. However, access time will be slower until the build is complete.
If you have exited SMOR and you want to monitor the progress of the build
operation, you can view the Array Group Information window for the array
in Storage Manger. See Chapter 6, Storage Manager for additional