User Manual

Midi connection
Bombass must be connected with a Midi-cable on its Midi In, to the Midi Out of the
Midi-master (Midi-sequencer, laptop, …).
Midi Thru gives the Midi-informations of the Midi-master to further Midi-slaves.
Set the Midi-channel
Push the Midi-Learn buttom for at least two seconds, then the LED on the top flashs.
The next received Midi-note defines the Midi-channel. To change the Midi-channel,
the Midi-lLearn buttom must be pushed again.
Note length - Gate
The Midi-note on/off`s received by the Midi-interface are converted to a gate-signal.
Tis is indicated by the LED on the top.
Velocity values of `0´ are equal to a note-off and reset the gate-signal.
A Midi-stop is equal to an `all-notes-off´, and stops all notes.
Pitch - CV
The Midi-information of the pitch is converted to a controll-voltage CV (0-5 Volt;
`C´=65,4 Hz).